Visiting the Welcome Pantry
Updated Information for 2025
Please bring bags or boxes to carry your groceries in, including small bags for produce. We will no longer be providing bags or boxes.
Due to high call volume, we ask shoppers to only call if they have barriers to accessing the online appointment system. The average time it takes from phone call to scheduling is approximately one week. We have added more appointment availability online. If you have technology barriers keeping you from scheduling online, please call 507-320-3712 for technical assistance.
Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes to your shopping appointment. We do not allow early arrivals and you will be asked to wait outside.
We are unable to take walk-in appointments
In case of inclement weather, Pantry closures will be reported on the Welcome Pantry Facebook page and KAAL weather closures.
- If this is your first visit, we will ask you to complete a one time registration process. This process takes 5 to 10 minutes and you do not need to bring any documentation. At the end of this registration, you will receive a shopper card with a number that you can use to check in each time you come to visit for shopping.
- When you shop, you can expect to find signs at each "station". These signs let shoppers know how much of an item they can take. This is based on household size. The limits will change from week to week depending on availability, how long the food will last, etc.
- Your food choices may differ from another shopper’s food choices. For example, we may be able to offer apples, and shoppers may be able to choose apples for their produce. When the apples are gone, we work to offer another choice, such as bananas. It is our goal to offer a variety of fresh, nutritious foods.
- Please bring shopping bags or boxes to pick up your food. Due to space limitations, we ask that you do not bring wagons, wheeled carts or similar items into the pantry. Shopping carts are provided.
We ask that shoppers follow these guidelines to help us shorten wait times for everyone:
- Arrive to the Welcome Pantry at your scheduled time to shop. If this is your first-time shopping and you need to register for a shopper number, please arrive 5-10 minutes early. The exception to that is if you have the very first appointment of the day. If you have the first appointment slot of the day, please just plan to arrive at the scheduled appointment time. This allows our staff and volunteers the opportunity to ready the pantry for your visit.
- Due to parking limitations, we ask that you do not arrive early unless you need to register. If you arrive more than 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment, we will ask you to wait in your vehicle until your scheduled time. Thank you for your understanding. As we approach cold and flu season, we want to keep all our shoppers as healthy as possible.
- If you miss your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule or receive an emergency food box instead.
- Appointments are scheduled in 15-minute blocks of time.
- If you are bringing others to shop, each person must schedule an appointment at that time.
Appointments will be available on these days and times:
- Wednesday: 4:00-6:00 pm
- Thursday: 4:00-6:00 pm
- Thursday afternoons: noon-2:00 pm
- Designated Afternoon Shopping Hours will be each Thursday from noon to 2:00 for those who may need extra accommodations, such as seniors, those who are immunocompromised, or those with disabilities.
The new appointment scheduler is below!
If it is difficult to visit the Food Shelf in person, shoppers have the option to select someone else to pick up their food. That person is their proxy.
Shoppers have the right to choose who can pick their food. Shoppers can also cancel permission for a proxy at any time by contacting Food Shelf staff. You may choose who your Proxy is by giving their name at the time of registration, or if you are unable to come in person, please call 507-373-8670 to set it up.
Proxy shopping policies:
- We must speak directly to the individual receiving food before the proxy may shop. We can do this by telephone, but it will not be during pantry hours. Please contact our Food Shelf staff in advance to make a plan for shopping.
- A shopper may shop by proxy for one other household at a time in addition to shopping for their own household.
- The Welcome Pantry orders food based on the number of households we can serve each pantry shift. Therefore, if you are shopping for yourself and shopping by proxy for a friend/family member, two appointments must be reserved. Each household needs an appointment.
Caseworkers, community health workers, home health aides and other social service professionals can serve as a proxy for their clients. Proxies may shop for their clients or pick up boxes of groceries from the Food Shelf.
For more information, social service professionals can contact the food-shelf at 507-373-8670.
The Welcome Pantry is changing to a new appointment system. This system is designed to allow our clients to book, reschedule, and cancel appointments easier than ever!
This system is set up to send confirmation emails and texts! Woohoo! Many of you have requested this feature, so we hope you are as excited as we are. You should also receive a reminder 24 hours before your appointment. The system will allow you to schedule your two appointments a month and will prevent duplicate scheduling for the same time slot.
Please be patient with us and our new system as we work out any kinks! We hope you find this system to be user friendly and easy to use. Thank you!
If you encounter any issues while we are trialing this new system, please send an email with any helpful screenshots to welcomepantry@unitedwayfc.org.
Food Shelf Eligibility
The Welcome Pantry follows The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) eligibility guidelines. We serve households who are at or below 300% of the poverty level.
I am eligible to receive TEFAP commodity food because:
- I am in Minnesota and
- My household income is 300% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Welcome Pantry Income Eligibility (300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines)
*updated 6/5/2024
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Eligibility Information
PDFS containing eligibility information for the TEFAP program can be found below in various languages. For interpretation services, please call the Minnesota Food Help Line at 1-888-711-1151.